Twenty-one women and 4 men joined together in 2018 to work out a way out of poverty. Initially formed as a savings community, they found that the weekly meetings did help limit expenses and support each other. But, although many had skills such as sewing, tailoring, knitting, or making shoes, they remained unemployed. With self-employment, they hoped to find a way out of their economic powerlessness. The little they had saved was invested in the means of production necessary for sewing, tailoring and knitting. However, they did not have the necessary financial resources, so they needed outside assistance. These new earning opportunities now help the women to generate additional income, which on the one hand relieves the family and the community, thus making a stabilizing contribution. On the other hand, the women become more economically autonomous and equal partners. The first steps into self-employment have been extremely successful, and the manufactured products are already selling well in a rented store. In a second phase, the much more cost-intensive shoe production is to be ventured.

Study Trips
Development Cooperation
Photos, Film